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Collaborative & Innovative

The vision for this ministry is bigger than just one person, or even our team. To achieve this vision we need your help. As the body is made up of many members, so too this ministry is made up of many people working in different areas and we would like you to be a part of this vision.

For us to achieve this work, we need your support. Although you may not be actively involved in organising and running the ministry, it is those behind the scenes who make it possible and without you, we wouldn't be able to make such an impact.

Listed below are the key areas we would appreciate support, or if you would prefer to help in other ways then please contact us



Doing What’s Needed

Currently we are renting the property out at Ashford but to fully achieve the vision we need to purchase the farm. God is bringing a diverse group of people in line with the vision to us, and the programs are expanding rapidly. There are a few challenges we cannot overcome while renting and believe that having the land vested in the Charity will future proof the ministries.

We would greatly appreciate any donations towards this project, as many small donations add up and together we can purchase property for the charity.

If you wish to support this project then please contact us.

Women Holding Hands


Tackling the Issue

Question: What's worse than one toilet for all the staff? Answer: Long drop toilets for the campers.

Okay, so we totally understand that our camps are adventure camps and we bring kids outside their comfort zone, however we also appreciate our environment, and have an eco-solution which will tick all the boxes.

If you wish to support this project then please contact us.


Growing the vision

Whether it is watching the sunset from the top of the hill or travelling along one of the numerous trails around the property, you can tell that this place is God's country.

We want people to enjoy these views and we've come up with a fun and safe activity that's actually healthy. You guessed it (or just read the project title), Mountain Bikes. We are looking at getting a number of bikes so that we can take the campers on tours around the property and they can enjoy the views.

Women Holding Hands
Buyin the Farm
Aminity Blocks
Mountain Bikes


Making a Difference

We cannot achieve the vision without God. Above all, please pray for us.

  • Please pray for the projects below

  • Please pray for the staff and team

  • Please pray for the protection of all involved

  • Most of all, please pray for the salvation of those who come.

To keep updated on where we need prayer, please like our Facebook page.



Maintaining the Base

Apparently you can't maintain 2000+ acres with a lawnmower and whipper snipper. 

There are many jobs around the property that needs continual maintenance, whether it is keeping the grass mown, maintaining the roads, or even keeping the fire breaks clear, all these jobs require a tractor and slasher.

If this is a project that you would like to support then please donate.

Team Dining Sheds

PINDARI LIFE LTD   -   ABN 75 620 285 510

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3947 Bauple Woolooga Road, Woolooga


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