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Please ensure you read through these terms and disclaimer for Outback Adventure Camp before signing up

Liability Disclaimer – I understand that whilst all care is taken, Pindari Life’ staff, team, and management do not accept liability or responsibility for loss or damage to personal property and/or personal injury/illness arising from the use of the facilities.


First Aid – I understand that as this camp is a bush adventure camp which involves bush walking, camp fires, and outdoor activities, there is a chance that my child will need basic First Aid. I understand that all Pindari Life activity staff are First Aid qualified and there is a designated nurse to take care of First Aid and medications.

I understand that in the event of an injury, Pindari Life will provide any necessary medical treatment, including calling an ambulance. Should this be necessary, I understand that I will be notified as soon as possible. Treatment may be at my expense.

I agree to indemnify Pindari Life along with all related and affected parties against all claims arising from any injury that may occur relating to my child, along with any loss or damage to property and equipment, arising either directly or indirectly from any connection to the Outback Adventure Camp


Program - I understand that activities are subject to weather and safety assessments at all times. Should an activity be removed from the program, Pindari Life will provide an alternate activity. Adventure activities do have a level of managed risk. Participants are required to follow instructors’ directions at all times. I understand that the program is based on Christian values, and that Pindari Life promotes wise choices, fair play, self-control, and respect of self & others.


Behaviour Code – Verbal or physical abuse of self or others will not be tolerated. No alcohol or drug use is permitted on site. Actions, practices or behaviour inconsistent with Christian values will not be accepted. Should my child refuse to adhere to the behavior code, I understand that they will be expected to leave the site, at my cost.


Meals – Ration style meals are provided with the nutrition of the majority in mind, and do not allow for special dietary requirements. Should my child have a dietary need, they will need to bring their own foods to supplement what is made available.


Media - Pindari Life reserves the right to take photos and videos of people and property to be used for promotional purposes. I understand that should my child be subject to restricted media access, I will notify Pindari Life, so that they can be excluded.

PINDARI LIFE LTD   -   ABN 75 620 285 510

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3947 Bauple Woolooga Road, Woolooga



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